Your audition dates are nearing and nothing matters to you more than performing well before the judges. It is quite natural to feel butterflies in your stomach whenever you think about it. Your mind is not in place and sometimes you may lose your appetite and sleep. You are worried if all these factors would affect your performance and spoil the chance. Now don't take all this to your nerves, there are ways to excel even in the hardest of all situations.
Self-confidence should be your word on the day of audition. Nothing can boost up our energy levels than a radiating self confidence. If you're feeling low and think that others are far better, then you would probably end in ruins. The best thing to boost your self confidence is taking the audition in a light manner. Never think that this is a 'do or die' job. So even if you see chances of losing it, you won't be shattered. Hope for the better tomorrow. Be positive in your attitude towards your skills and luck. Now self confidence should not be mistaken with over confidence. It would affect your performance not in the right way. Make sure that you believe in yourself and at the same time in others too. Be unique in your way of presentation but try not to keep an air of it.
You must do a lot of preparation prior to the auditions. This includes proper research on the requirement. If you are attending auditions for film, theater or modeling, it would always be better to learn a few facts about the director, company or theatre that will audition your talents. Try to understand what they are looking for and incorporate your talents with their needs. If it's a musical or dance audition, ask them about the accompaniments. It would be perfect to prepare yourself with your performance after knowing the basic requirements.
First impression is the best and this cannot be thwarted away as a cliché. So when you are preparing for the auditions, plan well about your dress and it would be better to have a dress rehearsal beforehand. Try not to be very casual and carefree. If you dress formally, this would create a good impression about your total personality. For dance, acting and modeling auditions, it would be better to ask about your costumes and accessories. Even then, never overdo your make-up or costumes. Try to be simple as possible. Messy hair styles should be strictly avoided. The mantra here is to look good and feel good. Punctuality is also an important factor as you don't have to mess the performance by reaching late at the place. Keep a professional resume which would highlight all your talents and be polite to the judges and other crew members.
During auditions try to be casual with no hurry berries. Never put extra effort to showcase your talent and neither play it down. During acting auditions, if the director asks to perform monologues, you should not overdo with unnecessary emotions. Try being yourself and everything else will come naturally. If you know that there would be cameras to pick up your performance, you should be prepared to manage that too. After you have finished your performance, it is always good to thank the judges with a smile. This contributes in assessing your basic etiquette.
Well, with all these self confidence and etiquettes in place, you are surely going to grab the opportunity. The best confident performances always accompany best results. If not, come on, this is not the last chance in your life! There is always a second chance.
The author is famous for writing articles on auditions for films. He has written various articles on auditions for movies.