I was asked to give a sales training on the topic of my choice. Because of the short notice I was a little nervous about what I was going to speak about. Then I asked myself, "self, how can you contribute to the group?" I thought long and hard about what I do in my daily life and I realized I try and implement the concepts of "Renewal and Self Growth." I constantly find ways on how I can improve my spiritual, mental, physical and social/relationships (you can find out more about this through Steven Covey's - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People).
This led me to the concept of "Auditing" yourself so you can constantly grow and educate yourself; helping you become a more effective individual in your field of interest. I came up with three simple steps if implemented correctly can result in massive self growth. So here they are...
1. Figure Out Where You Are: This step will help you understand where you currently are in your life. Start asking yourself the tough questions like "what books am I reading?", "what am I listening to in the car?", or my favorite "is what I'm doing right now getting me to where I want to be?" The list goes on, this is just a taste of what we are looking to accomplish. These are some tough questions that need to be addressed before moving to the next step.
2. Figure Out Where You Want To Be: This step is important because it gives you something to strive for, something worth completing. These steps compliment each other very well. In order to figure out how to get to where you want to be you have to figure out where you are. Write out where you want to be in five years. Don't just think about it actually write it out, it implants our wants into our subconscious mind. Focus on what you wrote daily. Napoleon Hill used to say "What ever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." Don't limit yourself.
3. Take Action: I say this quite often but this one is the most important. This is the step that will make it or break it for you. It comes down to the Law of Sowing and Reaping. It basically states that what you sow, you will reap; no more no less. What a wonderful concept.
As I look around I am constantly seeing people sowing other people's fields. The successful have learned to sow their own fields and reap the benefits. If you can do the same, you will reap what the successful reap. The only way to truly learn something is through repetition and application. So I encourage you to take this and start applying it to your daily life and you will begin to see yourself in a whole new light.
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Joel Cowen is a Business and Personal Development Consultant for individuals around the world. Joel's mission is to help others position their lives for massive change and help them reach their personal goals and life dreams. "You can make money or you can make excuses, but you can't make both."