Goldilocks says energy audit training is "just right" for her - and for her husband. What is so "just right" about it? Well, it's much more than the chair, the bowl of porridge and the bed.
Becoming an energy auditor builds on at least seven growing trends and opportunities that have come together to make this a low-risk, rewarding and lucrative occupation, or business. Lets have a look at why this is...
First, what do energy audits do?
Energy audit training equips the student with skills to help people with rising energy-cost problems that are growing as we speak. An energy assessment in a residential home, commercial or public building identifies where energy is wasted.
When acting on an energy audit report the building owner will on average save around 30% or more on their power bill.
Goldilocks trends and opportunities
These are the trends that Goldilocks finds so enticing:
Energy costs - your electricity bill and gas bill - are going up and will continue to go up. Rising fossil fuel costs and high renewable energy costs combine to make this an inevitable reality. Everyone needs to reduce their energy use! They want energy auditors to help them do that.
Climate change forces a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions globally.
Governments everywhere are offering generous incentives to have energy audits done to save their economies, both to save money and create new, green, jobs. A free energy audit anyone?
There are a 109 million homes and 5.6 million small businesses in the US alone, in need of reducing their energy cost to stay in their game competitively.
Energy audits for new buildings are already mandatory in some places, and this will increasingly happen.
Energy efficiency training may take only a short time in order to become a fully certified energy auditor, from a zero knowledge base in this area.
Training can be in face-to-face classes, or online career training, where the second option adds low-cost and convenience to other benefits of taking energy audit courses. Some energy audit training courses teach you how to set up as a small energy auditor business as part of their training.
I told you it's more than kept Goldilocks happy back in those days where the three bears' home did not run any gas or electricity!
Energy management is a buzzword like never before. In small business and big. One famous US beverage producer for example, committed itself to saving 5.6 million kilowatt hours by just replacing its lighting system in 24 of its facilities in 2009.
Self-employment is on the rise
According to a Yahoo, Hot Jobs article, energy auditors can earn between $70,000 and $106,000 per year. Not bad. So why is the US GDP still growing in the face of continuing job losses? Well, people are taking to becoming self-employed. 126,000 Americans did so in the last quarter of 2009.
Energy audit training is just one such opportunity in a rising "green" market. Many will take it in 2010 and beyond. It is not one of the best careers for the future. It is it now.
Dr Erik Leipoldt has long been concerned about the effects of global warming. In particular he uses his own experience in practical approaches towards alternate energy sources to survive and thrive in our environmentally disabled world. See